Sorry, I have been having some computer troubles, but I am back! Thank you everyone for the updates and keep them coming!
From the comment box:
They are filming in East Fallowfield this week - exciting stuff! Just soThis article is on the filming at the McDade Mall:
excited to be able to view it from our front windows! Not to disclose the
location but IT IS SO EXCITING! Please post more photos and more updates!
Thanks to the Geers for the photos and set report!
Just letting you know that we have a bird's eye view of the school that
they are filling TLB in East Fallowfield. They trucked in bunches of equipment
to The South Brandywine Middle School and at least 2 retro 1970's cop cars...
bunches of stuff going on and starting before 7am and departing between 5-6pm
tonight - long days - exciting stuff - we can send you some photos from the
front of the school - we aren't sure and "what is your experience" of being able
to just stroll over as locals to catch some action? If you want to come camp out
and if we could score a Peter Jackson autograph - we could be convinced to make
a deal with you! Let us know if you are interested in East Fallowfield Filming
updates - They had to ask our neighbor who had a newish truck for sale in the
front yard to move it this AM - so things are going on! Let us know!

South Brandywine Middle School gets supporting role in Lovely Bones film
South Brandywine Middle School gets supporting role in Lovely Bones film
Hollywood has hit Chester County this month in the form of The Lovely Bones, and a Coatesville elementary school has earned a spot in the flick.
The movie is based on the 2004 best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, a coming-of-age story told posthumously by a 14-year-old girl raped and murdered in the book's opening chapters. Sebold, who grew up in Paoli and attended Great Valley High School, set the novel in 1970s Norristown, and so director Peter Jackson (the Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong) and his crew came to the area to film the movie.
South Brandywine Middle School in the Coatesville Area School District was chosen as a filming locale, and the school's art teacher and students were given the job of making it look like Christmas just a bit early.
"They're tickled pink. Everyone in the school's so excited," said art teacher Judith DeSimone, who led the South Brandywine Art Club's efforts of decorating the cafeteria with Christmas trappings such as Santas, Christmas balls, wreaths, and reindeers.
The Lovely Bones, starring Rachel Weisz, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Imperioli and Stanley Tucci, is shooting at a number of locations throughout the region this month.
by Will Hobson
I have the fever - which Coatesville ELEMENTARY SCHOOL????? Inquiring minds want to know! :)
i live in coatesville, ah 12 mintues away!
I live a mile and a half away. They're still filming right now, on the athletic field behind South Middle school. They're also filming in the adjacent neighborhood behind the school. They have spotlights set up in front of my daughter's kindergarten teachers home and all around the block. I was amazed on how much equipment they have on site. The security is extremely tight, as you'd expect. Looks like Mr. Jackson has a blank check from Paramount on this project.
I went to South Brandywine when, "The Lovely Bones," was being filmed. I was going to audition for a part in the movie, but I didn't because I was scared of being on a movie that America was going to see. I have friends that were in it. Also, my locker, 346, was used in the movie. I didn't get anything for that, but at least it was used. I had to move to a different locker. I remember seeing all the equipment that was setup for the filming process. It was so amazing and I was happy that they used my school for the film. I am in high school now. I'm a freshman and I was in 8th grade when they filmed the movie. I felt special just like I'm sure everybody else did. I am a huge Mark Wahlberg fan. I saw a lot of movies he was in. Just the other day I watched, "RockStar," a movie he starred in with Jenifer Aniston. That movie was the bomb. Today, I watched,"Invincible," that was the best movie ever. I love every movie he was in. I can't wait to see, "The Lovely Bones."
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